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Bleach menu

Looking to ditch hyperpigmentation and dark spots for good? Here's your answer! The products we use for skin lightening are 100% natural, vegan, include non-gmo ingredients, lab tested, and cruelty free. This service includes a pain-free 4 step process implementing red, green, and blue light therapy. Results have shown to be 1-3 shades lighter from first session and should last 12-16 weeks!


*Not recommended for those with epilepsy or clients who are pregnant or have had a baby in the past 12 months. Also, not recommended for clients who have used chemicals, IPL nor lasering treatments in the past 12 months.



Intimate Areas

Anal Bleach  |  $125

Includes strip inside crack only

Bum Cheeks Bleach  |  $175

Does not include strip inside crack

Pubic Mound Bleach  |  $150

Includes upside down triangle on Brazilian (inner thighs not included)

Labia Majora Bleach  |  $150

Does not include the inside (labia minora)

Bikini Line Bleach  |  $150

Does not include Inner thigh

Save more $$$

any 3 Pack  |  save $30

any 5 pack   |  save $100

any 10 pack  |  save $300


Underarms  |  $125


back of Neck | $100

Back of thighs  |  $150

Decollete  |  $150

Elbows  |  $100

|  $125


Top of Hands  |  $125

Up to 3" or less scar  |  $125

Up to 7" or less scar  |  $175

Upper lip  |  $100
Full Face  |  $175

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